Monday, October 30, 2006

Marvin Takes on Halloween

In which Marvin points out the spiritual dangers of the holiday and hatches a plan to deal with both the children and the demons that come to his door.

this is an audio post - click to play


At 8:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peterson, that's terrific. It's too bad poor Marvin's having a hard time getting into the spirit of a simple, one-day-per-year holiday. All that candy, though--it's bad for the teeth! I guess, if he's considering that fact, he does have a point!

At 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondering if we are going to hear from Sylvia again! ;-)

She was terrific!

At 12:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Marvin! Since my partner and I are the "youngsters" in the condo where we live, I anticipate a rather quiet evening. In fact, maybe I'll hit a few of the residences since, though I'm in my 40s, to my neighbors, I'm just a kid.

I don't think that I can agree with you regarding the incidental transfer of evil. To believe that makes it seem as though there is little confidence in the Spirit that lives within you.

At 12:44 PM , Blogger Contemplative Activist said...

Hi Marvin,

Thanks for the message - just to let you know I'm back in the land of the internet.

However, your post has got me worried what with halloween being such an evil day! My younger brother was born on halloween! I always thought it was very appropriate. ;)



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